
The available operands for math commands are:
	x	Pushes the current value of x onto the stack.
	y	Pushes the current value of y onto the stack.
	z	Pushes the current value of z onto the stack.
	v	Pushes the current value of v onto the stack.

	c0	Pushes the line number of the datafile being accessed.
	c1	Pushes the current value of the first column in the datafile.
	c2	Pushes the current value of the second column in the datafile.
	c29	Pushes the current value of the 29th column in the datafile.
	c30	Pushes the current value of the 30th column in the datafile.

	pi	Pushes the number 3.1415927... onto the stack.
	e	Pushes the number 2.718281828... onto the stack.

	add	Pops two values from the stack, adds them, and pushes
		the result back onto the stack.
	sub	Pops two values from the stack, subtracts the first
		from the second and puts the result back on the stack.
		For example, { 3.5 2 sub } results in 1.5 as the top
		entry on the stack.
	mul	Multiplies the top two numbers on the stack and puts the
		result on the stack.
	div	Pops two values from the stack and divides the first
		by the second and pushes the result.  For example,
		{ 6 2 div } results in 3.0 as the top entry on the stack.
        set(?)  Pops the top number off the stack, and exports it to '?'.
                '?' can be one of x, y, z, v, c* (where * ranges from zero
                through 50.  '?' can also be any variable (e.g. $sum).
                There can be no whitespace in the set(?) operand (or any
                other operand for that matter).
	export	This operator is archaic, having been replaced by set(?).
                Pops two numbers off the stack, the first is converted
		to an integer (must be from -4 to 50) and defines a column
		where the second number off the stack is stored.  For
		example, { 3.1 22 export } results in the value in 
		column 22 being set to 3.1.  Columns 0 through 50 are
		the usual data columns.  Column -4 is the 'V' data vector.
		Column -3 is the 'X' data vector.  Column -2 is the 'Y'
		data vector.  Column -1 is the 'Z' data vector.
	exp	Pops two numbers off the stack, exponentiates the second
		to the power of the first, and stores that value back
		onto the stack.  For example, { 2 3 exp } results in
		the number 8 (2^3) being pushed onto the stack.
	mod	Pops two numbers off the stack.  Pushes the result of
		the second modulus the first back onto the stack.  For
		example, { 24 10 mod } results in 4 as the top entry on
		the stack.
	min	Pops two numbers off the stack and pushes the smaller of
		those two onto the stack.
	max	Pops two numbers off the stack and pushes the larger of
		thos two onto the stack.
        int     Pops the top value off the stack and pushes the integer
                part of that value back on the stack.
        nint    Pops the top value off the stack and pushes the integer
                nearest to that value back on the stack.
	abs	Pops one value from the stack and pushes the absolute
		value of that number onto the stack.
        neg     Pops the top number off the stack, and pushes -1 times
                that number onto the stack.
        inv     Pops the top number, and pushes its reciprocal.
	sqr	Pops one value from the stack and pushes the square root
		of that number onto the stack.
	cos	Pops one value from the stack and pushes the cosine of
		that value onto the stack.  The value is assumed to be
		in radians.  
	sin	Pops one value from the stack and pushes the sine of
		that value onto the stack.  The value is assumed to be
		in radians.  
	tan	Pops one value from the stack and pushes the tangent of
		that value onto the stack.  The value is assumed to be
		in radians.  
	dtr	Pops one value off the stack, multiplies that value by
		pi, divides the result by 180, and pushes this back
		onto the stack.  In effect, converts Degrees To Radians.
        d2r     Same as d2r.
        rtd     Pops one value off the stack, multiplies that value by
                180, divides the result by pi, and pushes this back
                onto the stack.  In effect, converts Radians To Degrees.
        r2d     Same as rtd.
        arccos	Pops one value from the stack and pushes the arc-cosine
		of that value onto the stack (radians).
        arcsin	Pops one value from the stack and pushes the arc-sine
		of that value onto the stack (radians).
        arctan	Pops one value from the stack and pushes the arc-tangent
		of that value onto the stack (radians).
	atan2	Pops two values from the stack, returns the arc-tangent
		using both values (therby retaining quadrant information).
        log     Pops the top value from the stack, and pushes the base 10
                logarithm of that number back onto the stack.
        ln      Pops the top value from the stack, and pushes the natural
                logarithm of that number back onto the stack.

        leap    Pops the top value from the stack, and pushes a 1 onto the
                stack if the value is a leap year, and 0 otherwise.
        doy     Pops three values off the stack ( day-of-month, month, and
                year) and pushes the day-of-year back onto the stack.  Note
                that year is used to calculated leap years.  Example;
                { 2000 02 01 DOY } results in a value of 32 as the top entry
                on the stack.
        mon     Pops two entries from the stack (day-of-year and year)
                and pushes the month that contains the day of the year
                specifiec.  For example, { 2000 333 MON } results in a
                value of 11 (November).
        dom     Pops two entries from the stack (day-of-year and year)
                and calculates the day-of-month for the current year
                and month.  For example, { 2000 333 DOM } results in a
                value of 28 (the 28th day of November).

	pop	Pops top number off stack.
	flip	Exchanges the top two entries on the stack.
	dup	Duplicates the top entry on the stack.
	sav	Pops one value from the math stack and pushes it onto
		the permanent stack.  The permanent stack is a separate
		stack that, unlike the math stack, is not cleared at
		the beginning of each math command.  Hence, sav can be
		used to carry forward the result from one math command
		to the next.
	rec	Pops one value from the permanent stack and pushes it
		onto the math stack.  See sav.

	if	Pops the top value off the stack.  If this number is 
	else	greater than zero, subsequent operators are performed
	endif	up to the first of either 'else' or 'endif'.  If the
		top number of the stack is zero, or less than zero,
		no operators are performed until the first of 'else'
		or 'endif' are encountered.  Note that there is no
		'elseif' construct.  If/else/endif blocks may be nested, 

	gt	Greater than.  Pops two numbers off the stack and compares
		them.  If the number FIRST pushed on the stack is 
		greater than the top (LAST pushed on the stack) then
		1 is pushed on the stack.  Otherwise, zero is pushed 
		onto the stack.  For example, { 1 2 gt } results in
		zero, while { 2 1 gt } results in 1.
	lt	Less than.
	ge	Greater than or equal.
	le	Less than or equal.
	ne	Not equal.
	eq	Equal.

	and	Performs logical and of top two values.
		For example, { 5 3 and } results in 1, while { 5 0 and }
                results in 0.  
	or	Logical or.
		For example, { 5 0 or } results in 1, while { 0 0 or }
                results in 0.
	xor	Logical exclusive or.
	not	Logical not.

	true	Pushes 1.0 on to the stack.
        t       Same as true.
        yes     Same as true.
	false	Pushes 0.0 on to the stack.
        f       Same as false.
        no      Same as false.
        iand    Performs bitwise "and" of top two values on stack
                (treated as integers).  For example, { 6 3 iand } results
                in 2.
        ior     Performs bitwise "or" of top two values on stack
                (treated as integers).  For example, { 5 3 ior } results
                in 7.
	bit	I should describe this better.  The iand operator is
                useful for testing bits, however.

        ?       Same as if.
        :       Same as else.
        >       Same as gt.
        <       Same as lt.
        >=      Same as ge.
        <=      Same as le.
        <>      Same as ne.
        ==      Same as eq.
        &&      Same as and.
        ||      Same as or.
        &       Same as iand.
        |       Same as ior.
        !       Same as not.
        (       Same as noop.
        )       Same as endif, if an endif is appropriate, otherwise same 
                as noop.
        +       Same as add.
        -       Same as sub.
        *       Same as mul.
        /       Same as div.
        ^       Same as exp.
        %       Same as mod.

        noop    Does nothing.
	err	Sets the math-return error flag to the value of the
		top entry on the stack.  A non-zero value is treated
		as an error.
	skip	Sets the math-return error flag to 1.  This has the
		effect of causing plotl to skip over a data line during
		the reading of the data file.
        inc     Inclusive test.  For example {1 2 4 inc} sets the
                math-return error flag to 1 (skips the data) since 1 is
                not between 2 and 4.  {3 2 4 inc} does not set the
                math-return error flag since 3 is between 2 and 4
                Typically this operand is used as in:  
                x={x $xmin $xmax inc}, which is equivalent to, but much
                faster than the obsolete syntax x=include($xmin,$xmax).
        exc     Exclusive test.  For example {3 2 4 exc} sets the
                math-return error flag to 1 (skips the data) since 3 is
                between 2 and 4.  {1 2 4 exc} does not set the
                math-return error flag since 1 is not between 2 and 4
                Typically this operand is used as in:  
                x={x $xmin $xmax exc}, which is equivalent to, but much
                faster than the obsolete syntax x=exclude($xmin,$xmax).

	debug	Turns on verbose debugging information during stack
		math parsing. 
	dump	Writes the contents of the math stack and the permanent
		stack to stdout.

        exists($var)  True if variable "var" exists.  False otherwise.
        exists(%var)  True if character variable "var" exists.
        strcmp("string1""string2")  True of strings string1 and
                                    string2 exactly match.

        xvec    X vector value.
        yvec    Y vector value.
        zvec    Z vector value.
        vvec    V vector value.
        vectorx Same as xvec.
        vectory Same as yvec.
        vectorz Same as zvec.
        vectorv Same as vvec.

        nxai    Nearest array or volume x index.
        nyai    Nearest array or volume y index.
        nzai    Nearest volume z index.
        arrayx  Array x position.
        arrayy  Array y position.
        arraydx Array x delta.
        arraydy Array y delta.
        array   Array element.